Why Franklin Training?
Franklin Training’s learning materials and curriculum are developed by expert educators in each field of learning. The Franklin Training Module System allows individuals to learn at their own pace and progress onwards.
Franklin Training offers personalised training solutions for individuals and organisations. With Franklin Training you don’t have to worry about any extras. Just one simple monthly fee per user to access the entire Franklin Training course collection, at their own convenience.
Franklin Training courses are evaluated in a systematic manner that is competitive and challenging, ensuring the knowledge of each individual user is evaluated and recorded. Franklin Training offers all users the ability to both learn and apply learned concepts, techniques and systems.
Franklin Training Courses are designed to be industry ready by using a combination of recorded lectures and tutorials, combined with hands-on practical knowledge sharing, to acquire a new skill set in a meaningful and impactful manner.
Benefits for Students
- Academic delivery by industry experts
- Industry oriented curriculum
- Hands-on projects and assignments
- Practical learning opportunities
Benefits for Companies
- Cost-Effective – no need for expensive external trainers
- Measurable
- Scalable
- Easy and convenient
- Remote learning technology
- Build the skills your team really needs
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